November was a hard month, I don't know why but I took off twice from my family. The first time I booked a flight at 10:45 pm and was in Kelowna the next morning happily greeted by my sister, niece and nephew (both adorable toddlers).
I hadn't seen my dad in two years since COVID began. He turned 70 this year and for whatever reason I knew I had to be there to surprise him, a day late but nonetheless it would be a surprise for both my parents. Although it was a quick trip, I did get to spend some uninterrupted by kids time visiting with my parents and ate my Mom's home cooked meals. No fighting, no whining, just quiet. When I arrived back home the house was clean and the kids and dogs were all alive. I was also alive. I felt more at peace being able to lay eyes on my parents and see my Dad blow out his candles. I did something that I hadn't done in years and wanted to on my terms by myself....I peaced out.
The second time I peaced out, I went to #momcamp. I booked mom camp when it first was advertised on social media as an "early bird special". Funny and endearing because that phrase reminded me of my grandparents who ordered the "early bird special" at the Jasper Hotel Restaurant in Maple Creek, Saskatchewan. I immediately clicked "booked now " or maybe it was a bit of nostalgia and a glass or two many of wine plus the mom creator of #momcamplife who is so inspiring who knew I needed it more. However the next morning came fast as it does with three kids and I felt pretty guilty for booking it. How could I spend so much money on myself? Then I figured I'd most likely cancel because it was only the summer when I booked and by the time November rolled around there was no way I would go away without my family and camp when we only camped as a family.... or would I?
That weekend in November came and I did! I called a girlfriend and she said yes and peaced out on her family too and well....what happened at MOMcamp stays at Mom camp.
But sometimes you have to peace out. We don't do this enough as mom's as caregivers as partners. I didn't really have a plan, I didn't plan on going. Sometimes you just have to go. PEACE OUT! #peaceout #lostandfoundmommy #momcamplife #justpeacedout #fendforyouselfhomies
